Sunday, December 11, 2011

To Tree or Not to Tree......

To tree or not to tree, That is always the question. We always had a Christmas tree and I've always been ambivalent about it. We're Jewish. Christmas is not our holiday. I used to say that when I was on my own I wouldn't have a tree. Then my daddy died......
My parents had health problems and poor coping mechanisms. For over a decade they were the focus of my life. I willing and gladly took care of them. Then my father died in 2006 and my mother passed away in 2009. I now have no family here. Sometimes it's really hard to go on... What helps is visiting my mother's grave or sharing memories of them with my friends. And come December, our little Christmas tree reminds me of my father.
His name was Larry. He was actually my step-father. He was a Christian and Christmas was sacred to him. He also loved the tree. For the last five years of his life that little green bush brought him tremendous joy. It's pre-lit, so what I did these past two years is simply plug it in. I didn't even decorate it. But seeing it brought me closer to him.
So what do I do this year? I still have three kittens to rehome. Those manic munchkins will wreak havoc
with the tree unless I tie it to something.(When the menorah is lit the babies will stay in the bathroom.)I'm not  really celebrating Christmas. Do I tree or not....

Stay tuned..
PS Squanto is continuing to do well.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Squanto Update

Hi, Efurryone. Raja here. We have a new fanily member. His name is Squanto. and he's a fluffy tabby kitten. He came to us last Tuesday. Two kids knocked on Mommy's door, They'd found him and couldn't keep him. Would she take him? It took Mommy all of ten seconds to say yes. He's now sleeping next to me on the electric blanket.
Squanto's only about eight weeks old and a little emaciated. He's eating a lot, though, and is getting stronger. After about a week of ignoring the little guy the others are warming up to him. He's getting more active and hopefully will play with the fosters soon.
He loves to cuddle. Mommy's been keeping him near her. Everyone else is now begging for more cuddles too. Mommy doesn' t mind. She brushed me for half an hour last night, then held me and told me how beautiful I was. Who doesn't like that? If Squanto gets us all more attention, then good for him.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I'm fascinated by the history of Colonial New England. I genuinely like the Pilgrims.They were people of great courage and faith. Unfortunately they had zero survival skills. Half of them died that first winter. If it hadn't been for Squanto and Massasoit the whole colony would have perished. Massasoit had  diplomatic skills the equal of any educated Englishman. Had he not decided to make the Pilgrims allies instead of enemies the fate of this entire country may have been different. Although they never fully trusted each other, the English and Native Americans were able to form a bridge between cultures, which set a precedent for today.
The Pilgrims also avoided the religious feuding, witchcraft trials, hypocritical behavior amd Christianity-based nastiness that plagued the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay. (BTW: The settlement of Connecticut was helped along by Puritans fleeing the stringent theocracy of Massachusetts and Roger Williams brought religious freedom to New England, allowing Catholics and Jews to settle in his colony of Providence.) Plymouth Colony also treated the Natives more fairly than the other English settlements in New England did.
One great place to learn about the Mayflower settlers is at Plimoth Plantation, in Plymouth, Massachusett, It's a re-creation of  the Pilgrim settlement of 1627 that functions as a living history museum. The village, a Wampanoag homesite and a replica of the Mayflower are open to visitors from March to November. . The rest of the time Plimoth Plantation's website, http://  provides basic information about the the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag. Check it out.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Snowbirding on Medicare

They're called snowbirds- northerners who spend at least part of the winter in warmer climes. It's an ancient and honorable practice, dating to shortly after the Civil War. But the advent of managed care has made receiving medical care while snowbirding a little more complicated.

 For starters,snowbirds need to make sure their Medicare HMO (also known as a  Medicare Advantage or Medicare Complete plan) is valid in the state they'll be wintering in.  The easiest way to do this is by calling the plan's customer service number (found on your mrembership card) . Or check  the company's website..If  a plan isn't valid in your winter area, you need to make other arrangements, possibly changing HMOs....

 Medicare recipients have until December 7, 2011 to change plans, UNLESS they are switching to a five-star rated plan. Then they have all year. . A five-star Medicare Advantage plan is one of a select few rated excellent by consumers. Or, between January 1, 2012 and February 14, Medicare recipients can switch back to original Medicare A & B. They won't get many of the extras (hearing,dental, etc), but more doctors wiill accept it. To find a new plan valid in both residential areas, go to Consumers who switch back to straight Medicare A & B also need to pick a prescription drug plan  (Medicare Part D).

If a plan is accepted in your winter area, the next step is to find a primary care physician.. Most of the major Medicare HMOs have categories on their websites to help members locate participating doctors. Just type in your new zip code and the site will come up with a list of physicians accepting new patients.

Once settled  Tenna C. Wiles, CEO of the Palm Beach County (FL) Medical Society, recommends visiting your new doctor.. "The fastest way to establish a relationship is to make an appointment before you're sick. Go in with a summary of your medical records and a list of all  your medications. Discuss your concerns and get any prescriptionsor specialist referrals that you need.."

With a little planning snowbirds on Medicare can secure their health care while enjoying their winter nests.#

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cleaning for the New Year

Hi Efurryone. Raja here. We're slowly getting over the loss of Ivory. Mommy relaxed the curfew rules a bit. We're still stuck in the house more, but with the time change she lets us out earlier. Afterall, I have rounds to make and territory to protect.
Since it's a new year Mommy decided to do some cleaning. She finally opened some of the boxes of her parents' stuff. So far she's filled up a box for Goodwill and condensed three more boxes into one. It's hard for her, and there have been tears, but we're proud of her. She just keeps telling herself that she can't drag this stuff around forever. Midi tells us a lot  about misses Granny and Grampa. I know Mommy misses them very much.
On the positive side, Mommy finally got permission from our landlord to put up a clothesline. Now that is intriguing. She hangs it up, then takes it down when the clothes are dry. It's so much fun when the clothes are out. We run through the sheets and play hide and seek. Mommy only complains when we knock something down and get paw prints on it.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Killer Dog Update

We just got the official word from Animal Care & Control: the pit bull was euthanized..The owners were also fined for having unlicensed dogs and allowing them to roam. I'm glad that actions were taken, but they won't bring Ivory back. And I do feel sorry for the dog. But he'd killed twice and wasn't going to stop. No small mammal in the neighborhood was safe.
The kids still got to keep one of their pets, though. Hopefully the parents have learned something from the experience. Leash laws exist for a reason. Plenty of other people in the neighborhood have pit bulls. They keep their dogs in the house, tied up outside, or inside of fenced yards. When they walk them, it's on a leash. I never will forgive the kids for deliberately setting their dogs loose in my side yard, where they were sure to encounter cats. And I'm still keeping my babies indoors during the danger hours. Raja is not happy about this.
So, at least the situation is settled. Here's hoping that November is a less stressful month.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Pumpkin Project 2011

Hi Efurryone. Raja here. Every year Mommy comes up with a new halloween craft project. This year she added to our parade of pumpkins (sigh). With Ivory's death and the legal situaution surrounding it, she really needed a distraction. She found this project in Ladies Home Journal magazine.

Tracy: I bought an artificial white pumpkin at Michael's craft store (Hi Mo). I downloaded the bat templates and used a Sharpie marker to draw them on the pumpkin. Mine looks like the one in the second row, on the left. It came out really nice and was fun to do.
To get the template and instructions go to and type 'bats' in the search box. Click on The Great Pumpkin. The project is slide number three. Click on 'download this' for the bat template.
Both the print  magazine and online version have some really nice pumpkin crafts.(While you're online, LHJ is offering subscrciptions for $5.99. I renewed mine. They'll even bill you.)
We'll post more in a few days, when the Ivory sirtuation is officially resolved.

Tracy &

Saturday, October 22, 2011

An Update on My Kitties

The kids were walking the two pit bulls off-leash again. The dogs ran into my secluded side yard. if there had been a cat there it would've been attacked. The dogs now view my yard as a killing zone. I added this new development to my complaint.
Meanwhile, I'm keeping my kitties inside during the danger hours. They've been really good about it. There's been very little hissing or fussing. I fell asleep on the couch and one of the kittens, Magellan, curled up next to me. When i woke up Raja was sitiing on the arm looking daggers at us both. Apparently she is the only one allowed to cuddle with mommy.
The wheels of justice are turning, but slowly. I sunmitted my affadavit and should here from Animal Care & Control soon.
I'll keep you posted.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Kitten Was Killed by a Pitbull

Tracy here. On October 13 my Siamese kitten, Ivory, was attacked and killed by a pit bull. The dogs were being walked off-leash by two neighborhood kids. They had no reason to be in my side yard. I heard a yelp and one of the dogs had Ivory in his mouth. The kid had to beat him on the head to make him let go. Ivory died two hours later.
The boys continue to walk the dogs off-leash. They now view my yard as a killing zone. No cat is safe. The run in, while the kid watches, and lunge at anything, including me. I now keep my cats inside when the dogs are likely to be walked. I also carry pepper spray. The police and Animal Care & Control are on the case.
I am just sick over this. Ivory was a sweet, gentle, ten week old kitten. She never had a chance. Her life was snuffed out by the dogs, their juvenile delinquent handlers and their irresponsible parents. I intend to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breast and Ovarian Cancers

Hi Efurryone. Raja here.We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we proudly wear the pink ribbron to show our support. But breast cancer is not the only type of cance claiming lives. Did you know that September was Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month? We didn't.  There symbol is a teal ribbon.
 Ovarian cancer is a deadly malignancyr that  claims the lives of 15,000 women a year. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition runs extensive public and professional educational campaigns.. The diseaser is known as a silent killer asf its subtle symptoms often preclude early diagnosis...Often the cancer isn't diagnosed until it's metasticized throughout the abdominal cavity, resulting in  a grim prognosis., But, if the disease is found in its early stages, while the cancer is still confined to the ovary, the five year survival rate is 90%.
Lets help the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition get the word out, and. do a mitzvah (a good deed). For less than the cost of a Big Mac and fries, you can purchase a teal car magnet, jelly bracelet (wristband) or keychain. Just go to and click on marketpalce. You'll find that teal goes very well with pink.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Tracy here. The Day of Atonement starts in a few hours. Instead of apologizing for my sins and thanking GOD formy blessings, I'm sitting here wanting to strangle someone.Oh yes, he definitely deserves it. He jerked me around, let me down and left me in a financial bind. That we're biologically connected makes things even worse.
What I want to do is scream and yell at this person. I also want a sense of peace to enter the new year with. As a compromise I'll probably writew him an e-mail saying why he shouldn't jerk me around ,especially about money. It beats crying on the couch. At least three of the cats came over to see if I was okay.
I knowI should worry about today and let tomorrow take care of itself. That['s hard though. Trying to be positive is hard work.
I have to go. time for Kol Nidre. To find out what that is, go to http://www.chabad,org/


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Shalom, y'all. Raja here.   Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, began last Wednesday at sundown. Right now we're in the Day of Awe, the ten days between Rosh Hashansh and Yom Kippur.. This is a time of reflection and repentence. Yom Kippur,the  Day of Atonement, is thr holiest day of the Jewish year. Everyone human fasts to atone for their sins.
In the meantime, the food's been pretty good. We've had all these traditional dishes. I loved the chicken the best.while Midi liked the carrots and raisins.. Mommy really enjoyed the matzoh ball soup, honey cake. and smelly fish. We also had a special round version of challah, which is a kind of bread. Panda and I really scarfed that bread. Mommy also ate apples dipped in honey. Mommy gave Midi a taste,but she wouldn't let me near the saucer of honey. She said honey was impossible to get out of car fur.Humpf!
Anyway, plenty of information to download on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, including traditional recipes, prayers and songs.,
Even though I'm a cat, I think I should sort of obseve Yom Kippur. I mean, I have done things wrong. I should apologize to Panda for pushing him off the bureau, swatting him across the nose and stealing some of his chicken...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Hi-Hi. Raja here. We've had really rainy, stormy weather lately. My furry brudder, Panda, got bored and knocked over the trash can.. There wasn't anything good in it, mainly stale bread, fried rice, moldy tomatoes and broccoli. I did score a small piece of chicken, though. He lapped up the rice. I told him he made the right decision to get us food, but next time wait, til the can's fuller.
Speakimg of decisions,we have a freebie for you about making them. It's called Right Decisions, Right Now Now : Be Tobacco Free. It's a tobacco prevention kit designed for middle school teachers, social workers and homeschooling  parents.  Mommy got one for a project she's doing at work. While the package is funded by R.J. Reynolds, a tobacco company, the focus is on peer influence and making healthy decisions. Mommy liked the very structured sections dealing with peer pressure. She thought they could be useful in talking about other risky behaviors as well. The posters were cool, too. .I liked the box it came in..For your copy go  to

I was so scared that NASA's satellite would fall on me.. Efurrytime a thunder boomie hit I thought it was the satellite coming and ran under the couch. I'm glad the satellite decided to fall into the ocean instead of someplace crowwded, like New York City. Or Cecily, Alaska. Remember Northern Exposure?  Mommy and I watch DVDs of that show a lot. 

BOOK REVIEW: Mommy (Tracy) just read  Heart of Ice by Lis Wiehl and April Henry. She decided to review it::
Heart of about three high school friends from Portland ,Oregon .: Nicki is an FBI agent, Alison a prosecutor and Cassisdy a television reporter. Calling themselves the Triple Threat, they band together to solve crimes. In this, the third book in the series., they deal with two psychopaths- a male they are prosecuting , and a female, who's persecuting them.
Heart of Ice is fast-paced, but I wished the authors had developed most of the characters and events more.. .The male pstchopath could have been better delineated to contrast with his female counterpart. If I was the editor I would have asked for another, more detailed re-write.. However, the character of Elizabeth Avery is one of the best examples of female sociopathic behavior in popular literature. Too bad the authors didn't balance her character against the others better..Still, I'd recommend the book.

Thanks,  Mommy. Now it's time for the most important decision of my day. What shall I have for supper? Should I have mixed grill, seafood  or TOONA?


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Freebies & FR

Hi Efurryone. Raja (and Tracy) here. We have a  new freebies for you.
Better Homes & Gardens is offering a 32 page recipe book, Healthy for Life,through Facebook. And for every download, they'll doante $1 to the Komen for the Cure foundation. Breast cancer is a terrible disease. It hurts mommies, daddies,kitties and woofies .Just go to and 'Like" them. Then go to the left side of the screen and click on Komen. Just fill out the form and download...
When Mommy was little children used to trick or treat for Unicef. You can still do that.  Just go  to or call 1-800-FOR-KIDS for your kit. Grown-ups can participate, too.Each October Mommy keeps a collection box on her desk at work. It's next to a jar of candy. She asks for donations. Ususally she raises $15-$20 dollars that way. You can also do e-mail collections with your friends. I like helping kids. All I ask is not to be dressed up!!!!
 That's all for now.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Facebook Freebies

Hi folks. Raja and I have a couple of Facebook freebies for you. Downy is offering free samples of their new Unstoppables, in- wash fabric softener and scent enhancer tablets. Just go to and 'Like' them. Then scroll down to the left-hand side of the page where it says 'get sample'. Click on that and fill out the form.

Next, AMC Theatres is offering a free 20oz frozen Icee on Fridays from Sept. 16-Oct.7. It's part of their Frozen Fridays promotion. Just go to and 'Like" them, then click on 'get coupon' and print. A free Icee makes even a crappy movie somewhat worthwhile.

Raja: Why can't kitties go to movie theatres? It's not like we're going to bark and disturb the show!

Book Review: The Heretic's Daughter by Kathkeen Kent( Little, Browm & Co.) The Heretic's Daughter is a novel dealing with that colonial flirtation with tolitarianism, the Salem Witch Trials. Between 1691 & 1692 dozens of men,women & chilkdren were accused of witchcraft. Many of the women were put to death. All were innocent.
Wicca and Satanism were not involved. A narrow,superstitious world view, minor occult practices, petty disputes between neighbors and adolescent acting-out combined to create mass hysetria.
The novel is told from the point of view of ten year old Sarah Carrier. Her parents, Thomas and Martha are better educated and more worldly than their neighbors. When the witchcraft hysteria spreads from Salem to nearby Andover, the Carriers become caught up in it.
Kent, a decendant of the real-life Martha Carrier, has written a gripping story of life in hard-scrabble colonial New England.   I highly recommend it.

Oldies But Goodies: Raja here. This is my report on what music Mommy is listening to. Yesterday she brought home Corinne Bailey Rae's eponymous  2006 CD, I really liked it. Corinne plays acoustic guitar and has a soft voice. It's like jazz, R&B and folk music combined. I put my head on my paws and enjoyed listening to it. My favorite track was the one called Put Your Records On.

That's all for now. Take care.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We're Back....

Hi efurryone. Raja here. We have a new computer. It's used, but very nice.It has a lot of programs like Word and Excel that our laptop didn't have. That makes mommy happy. Me, I love the bigger monitor. It's like watching TV. I stare at it so much that Mommy says, "Don't fall in." Whatever that means. We want to thank Rabbi Geoff  Botnick who brokered the deal that got us this great machine.

COUPONS: Tracy here. I want to mention another coupon site. Go to They compile the manufacturer's coupons that make up the Sunday paper inserts. Those same coupons are available online. Just click on the link and print. Enter your zip code for additional local offers. They also have free samples as well. Best of all, the coupons are available almost a week ahead of time, so you don't have to wait for Sunday to save.

RANT:I'm going to stop shopping at Simply Fashions. They advertise good deals,  ut there's always a catch that you don't find out about til you're at the register. This time they advertised $1 for up to $50 worth of clothes on layaway. I picked out $35 worth of stuff, then was told that because it was sale merchandise, it was ineligible. About 80% of the  store merchandise was on sale. So they lost a $35 sale. The on;y way a lot of their stuff is going to fly out of there is by reducing it further. Bad business..

That's all for now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Free Recipe Book

Hi! We're having computer problems. On the days I'm not working I have to go to another library to use the computer. Plus this is the first time since my mother died that I've been without a computer. I feel very shaky and disconnected. I hope I can afford to get mine fixed soon.
Now on to business. Weber Grills is offering free recipe books to download. Go to and click first om'grilling', then on'downloads'. They're offering five titles: Grilling for Girls, Grilling What's Good for You, Weber's Upgrade to Tailgating Glory, .Steak Boot Camp and Barbeque .Download one or all. You can also sign up for their recipe e-newsletter.
I chose Grilling What's Good for You. I downloaded it in pdf format, then saved it to disc. That way I can just print out the recipe I plan to use. The 36 page guide is divided into two sections. The first focuses on the basics of grilling, while the second contains recipes.Most can be adapted for barbeques,gas grills and the George Foreman-type indoor grills.
Raja has some opinions on what she'd like me to grill...

Raja: I like cooking. I don't like it when the black steel hee-baa-chee thingy shoots flames. Mommy doesn't like that either. She always keeps the garden hose ready. She thinks I don't notice that. Tee-hee. But this booklet has very nice recipes for chicken and flank steak. There's one in there for Atlantic char, which Mommy says can be adapted for any fish. I hope so. I loves toona the best. She wants to make the black beans salsa and grilled asparagus dishes,but those don't really interest me. I like my meat,poultry or fish. Outdoor grilling is messy. Chunks of food get accidently dropped on the ground. Yum.
That's enough for now, Raja.
Take care,

Friday, August 26, 2011

Raja's Hurricane Tips for Pets

Hi Efurryone, Raja here. A big scary hurrycane is hitting the US. I don't like hurrycanes. But since I live in Floorida I know what they are. Hurrycanes have loud winds and really heavy rains. Sometime there are tunderboomies and light flashs. The wind shrieks. It picks up trees and throws them. Glass shatters. Roads flood. It feels like the world is ending.
If you don't have to go to a new house  the best place to be is under the couch. It's dark and safe there. The people crawl into safe places, too, like closets. They get really frantic. They run around buying stuff like jugs of water, batteries, sterno and special foods. We kitties just need our crunchies and stinky goodness. The  people board up their windows and bring plants and patio furniture inside. Trees and plastic chairs in the house are fun to explore.
The lights go off, but we cats can see in the dark. We just have to be careful the clumsy people don't trip over us.And sometimes the human litter boxes won't work, so they have to use ours. This is an awful situation. At least they should buy another pan.
The hurrycane lasts for hours. Then it's sunny. But don't go out. The rain and wind monster starts up againf rom the other direction. It's even louder.
But then it ends. The sun comes out and our people hug and cuddle us. That's nice,but hurrycanes are still awful.
Good luck.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Save Money by Renting College Textbooks

Book Renter is one of a growing number of companies offering college textbooks for rent. Their website advertises savings of up to 80% . Most students won't save that much, but with a single hardcover text costing upwards of $100, every dollar saved  helps. The books are shipped free of charge, writing and highlighting is allowed, and when the class is over, the
books can either be purchsed or returned. Friends of mine who have used the site have been quite satisfied with it. Afterall, it's very  fustrating to drop a wad of cash on a  single book, especially one that's not for a major subject.

Book Review: One book that's sure to be studied and discussed on college campuses this semester is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Set in Jackson, Mississippi in 1963, it's the compelling story of a white would-be journalist who interviews African-American maids for  book she's doing.  The women's stories, and the empowering effect of telling them, alters the lives of all involved. Stockett  also does a good job of evoking the pre-integration South (shudder) and the white women clinging to their traditional prejudices while the world around them becomes gone with the wind. (Sorry. I couldn't help  myself).

Finally, studying takes a lot of energy. Spark Energy Drink is offering a free product sample. Just go to and chose your flavor.

That's all folks.......

Monday, August 15, 2011

Deals- Week of August 14, 2011


Benjamin Moore paints is offering a free pint of Arborcoat stain via Facebook. Just go to their Facebook page, , 'like' them, click on 'Arborcoat coupon' and print it out.
Benjamin Moore is one of the most respected companies in the architectural coatings industry. In additon to offering interior and exterior paints, tints and stains, they have  recently branched out. Both their Facebook page and the company's main website,   now offer decorating ideas and advice. The Facebook page is a chatty zone where customers write in with decorating questions, while the main webste offers an e- newsletter sign-up, painting tips, product information (includng color charts to download) and the opportunity to purchase paint samples. Benjamin Moore retailers also offer color chips, design tips and DIY advice.
Raja Speaks:
Hello, Efurryone. Raja here. Mommy got her free sample of Benjamin Moore.You can also get the coupon by going to Whew! She got this picnic-table like round thing and wanted to stain it. She printed out the color chart from the BM website and spent hours trying to decide which color blue to get. Only the chairs on the patio are dark green plastic. I may only be a cat, but even I know that pale blue and dark green are going to look icky together. She finally realized this  (DUH) and opted for clear  stain instead. Now we just have to wait til the weather clears so she can apply it.   Once it dries we'll have a nice little kitty perch, er table.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week of August 8 -More Freebies

 More Freebies:

Curves, the chain of fitness centers exclusively for women, is offering a free one week guest membership.Go to or  and fill out the form. Select a gym near you and print the coupon.  If you have trouble printing  call 1-800-419-9250. Curves is known for their 30 minute  combined strength and aerobic workout program.

Thompson's WaterSeal manufactures outdoor deck care products. They are offering two free booklets. The first, a Do-It-Yourself Deck Care Guide,takes the homeowner through the basic steps of waterproofing, staining ,cleaning and restaining a deck, porch or patio. The second guide,Outdoors is In, provides tips on using Thompson products to create a unique outdoor living space. Both booklets are available from Click on  the promotions tag and order your guides.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week of August 1

Freebies for the Home:

Kraftmaid is offering free copies of its 2011 Inspiration Guide. Inside the lushly photographed brochure are examples of their varoius styles of kitchen cabinetry. But you don't have to be an architectural student or an interior design maven to appreciate how every detail in each photograph works together to create not just cabinetry but an actual home. They are selling dreams here....Go to  for a copy.

Tub o Towels is offering a free sample of their extra-duty disposable wipes. These are meant for tough cleaning jobs requiring vigrous scrubbing (like getting paw prints off stucco?).  Enriched with lanolin and aloe, the towels are suppsed to be easy on the hands and nose. Go to  for your sample.

 In the market for a new mattress? Tempur-Pedic is offering a free DVD and information kit. You can listen to testimonials and learn about the bedding, bt the best way to find a new mattress is to go to a furniture store and flop on a few... Go to for your information package.

Finally, Endless Pools is offering an informainal VD n its line of solo swimming pools.These pools are popular with the disabled, triathletes and those with small backyards. Go too
for more information.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week of July 25, 2011

I just read the most amazing book. It's called Life, In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice by Kristen Jane Anderson and Tricia Goyer. It's the true story of Kristen, who as a scared, confused seventeen year old, decided to end her life.. She believed nothing would ever get better. Her grandmother had died, a close friend had committed suicide , and  she herself had been sexual assaulted., Kristen had sought psychiatic help, but all she got after a 15 minute consultation was a precription for anti-depressants. They didn't work. Desperate to stop her pain, she laid down in front of a freight train..  She survived, but both her legs were severed, .
Life, In Spite of Me is the story of her journey back. Despite dealng with a painful physical disability, as well as a psychiatric disorder, Kristen fought to bring meaning to her life..She recommited herself to her Christian faith and plunged onward. And that is the inspirational part of the story. She discovered she had the capacity to help others just by sharing her story. And she developed a close relationship with God to help her through the rough times.
Kristen's story is available from

SPACE:. From the inspiring we move to the disappointing. The final space shuttle flight huld have ended in a blaze of glory. Instead Atlantis landed under the cover of darkness. What was with that?
While mourning the death of US manned space flight, it's time to check out what the Europeans are doing. The European Space Agency (ESA) has an interesting website focusing on their space accomplishments. They also publish a quarterly, downloadable journal  that offers a more in-depth look at space science and exploration. Check it out at

FOOD & REWARDS: Moving to the mundane, Lean Cuisine frozen dinners are now running a reward program. Go to to sign up. Then enter the code found inside the box- for example-LYJF-7PTP-GRHHX. Points amassed can be redeemed for coupons,dining decor,gift cards and more. As I consume 3-5 of these tasty meals per month I'm able to earn points with little effort. 

And now, Raja speaks:
HI! I really like those frozen dinners. Mommy feeds me chunks of salmon and chicken from them.I love t be hand fed. She pets me and tells me how beautiful I am. I like people food. Mommy is careful what she gives me because I have a delicate tummy. Pada, though , is a furry garbage disposal. He eats everything. Even vegetables. I'm sure gkad I don't have to share a litter box with him...

Till next time.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SPACE:  With the landing of the shuttle Atlantis, the US manned space program will come to an end. After this, if we want to send an astronaut to  the Internatinal Space Station, we'll have to use the technology of another coumtry, most likely Russia. Trusting the Russians with our personnel and technology is like letting the fox guard the henhouse. President Obama is making a big mistake in throwing away all that this country has developed  in space over the last forty years. Unfortuately Obama is perfect in his own eyes, so the chances of him reversing his decision are slim.
NASA has a comprehensive website  that will gladden the hearts of space geeks and casual observers both.. Under Home click on STS-135 and learn about Atlantis, its mission and its crew. Photographs and videos are available for downlading. You can even download the tunes used to wake up the astronauts each morning..Plus there is plenty of background on previous shuttle missions and crew.  Information on NASA's unmanned space probes is also available.. For example, did you know that the Cassini-Huygen space probe recently recorded a lightening storm on Saturn?

While we're on the subject, happy birthday Neptune. The planet just completed its first orbit around the sun in the 165 years since it was discovered.
Neptune by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope

And Now, A Few Words From the Cat:
Hi! Raja here. Mommy is so busy with her blog that she's neglecting mine.I wanted to tell you about my new furry brudder, Panda. He' sa tuxedo cat who stared hanging around here.   He very politely asked if he could share my territory. I told him "Okay. I'll even get you food. But stay away from my human." He didn't listen. First he caressed her legs with his whiskers. The he poked her with his little pink nose.  Two days later it was head butts  and rubbed against her.The next thing you know, Mommy is cradling his head in her hand and cooing"How's my Pandy Man.?"  BLECH. He  lives mostly outside,but comes in for food and cuddles. Yesterday he took a two hour nap in MY bathtub. I suppose he is a handsme fellow. He's white with black spots. The lower half of his face is white, while the  upper part and his ears are black. He also has a black tail. I guess Panda is an okay name for him. It's cuter an Holstein. And he knows that I'm the Queen an must be obeyed.

That's all for now...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Deals- week of July 10, 2011

BOOKS: Former First Lady Betty Ford passed away on Friday, July 8, 2011. She was 93. Of all the First  Ladies, she was the one I admired the most. Through her candor she brought breast cancer and its diagnosis and treatment into the national consciousness. Later, her public admissions of alcohol and prescription drug abuse brought addiction into the spotlight. Yet she always maintained her dignity. She simply discussed what happened to her honestly, never asking for pity or adulation. Before she spoke out many people didn't know that one could survive breast cancer. Or, that  it was possible to become addicted to prescription drugs.
In 1978 Mrs. Ford published her autobigraphy,  The Times of My Life. In it she detailed her life as Elizabeth Bloomer growing up n Grand Rapids, Michigan. She was married and divorced, modeled, studied dance with Martha Graham and was a successful careeer woman, working in fashon merchandising, when she met and married Gerald Ford in 1948. As his career in Congress took off, she raised their four children largely alone. She later joined her husband in the Washington area  as he served as the Congressional Minority Leader. Suddenly, Spiro Agnew resigned and Gerald Ford was vice-president. Nine months later Richard Nixon resigned and the Fords found themselves in the White House..
Both her autobigraphy and her 1987 account of her recovery from addiction, A  Glad Awakening,, are available at

Coupons:  With the economy in sad shape people are watching every dollar. One way to save money is by using coupons. The website,  offers high value coupons for printing. Deals are available on food, household supplies,health and beauty aids, pet products , infant formula and disposable diapers; and entertainment items. Users can view national coupons, or, by entering their zip code, find local deals. The service is free and only requires a printer. Check it out. Of course, they .also have a Facebook page-

That's all for now...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Deals- June 30, 2011

One of my favorite health websites is that of the magazine, Psychology Today,.  Like the magazine itself, Psychology Today's website features peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of psychology presented in a way that's accessible to the general public. For the writers out there, Carlin Flora has written an interesting article on story-telling and self-defining memories called Self-Portrait in a Skewed Mirror (
For the lovelorn, Burton Goldsmith, Ph.D, offers 10 Ways to Make Your Relationship Magically Romantic. And finally, for most of us, there's Dan Goleman's Retrain Your Stressed Out Brain. Dozens more articles on similar topics can be easily searched. There's even a tab to click on if you're looking for professional help.

Ocean Spray is offering a free sample can of their new Sparkling Beverage. It's cranberry juice combined with carbonated water for a fizzy, but nutritious drink. I love it. I used to combine club soda with their cranberry juice cocktails for a homemade soda. This way is easer. Just go to for your free sample.

BOOKS: I'm not interested in most of today's bestsellers. Usually I prowl used book shops and resale stores for my reading materials.  That's how I came upon singer Trace Adkins' 2007 autobiography,
A Persnal Stand: Observations and Opinions from a Freethinking Roughneck. I'd been a fan of his music, and after watching him on
Celebrity Apprentice a few seasons back I became a fan of  him as a person., too.  In print as on screen Adkins is a moral, highly intelligent and well-read. individual. He doesn't hesistate to give informed opinions on politics, guns, Hurricane Katrina, his oand the music business. among other topics. But rather than blowing hot air Trace backs his views up with facts.. And he doesn't insist that everyone believe as he does. This Good Ol"Boy wrote a good ol' book. Available on

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deals - June 26,2011


Being diagnosed with cancer is a frightening experience. One way to deal with that fear is through education. The American Cancer Society- - has a huge website of information to help the newly diagnosed understand their disease and its treatment.
Just go to the website and click on Learn More. The drop-down menu lists various types of cancer, from  the common (breast and colon)  to the rare  (Hodgkin's Disease and Ewing's Sarcmoma) .Click on the type of cancer you or a loved one was diagnosed with and you'll find downloadable information on its etiology,prognosis and treatment options. Paper copies of most of the publications can be ordered by calling 1-800-227-2345 or  through  your local afiliate. Many of the materials are also available in Spanish. Selected  publications are  also available in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.
The ACS website also has information on cancer prevention and health education,. Many local units also run smoking cessation prgrams.For information on patient services and volunteer opportunities just register and supply your location.

For a free Disney Parks Vacation Planning Kit, consisting of DVDs of Disneyland and the four main Florida theme parks, just go to Warning: this could be hazardous to your financial health. After watching these DVDs every kid is going to want to visit the Land of the Mouse.


Purex, the  laundry supply company, is offering Facebok fans a $1.00 off coupon for their new Purex Complete Crystals  Fabric Softener. Just like their page on Facebook, then click on the 'get coupon' selection. The URL is .

Finally,  I want to recommend a book. Since the war with Iraq ended I've been reading and re-reading books on the subject.  My favorite books are not the ones by the politicians; I prefer accounts by the men and women who fought there or reported from Iraq. Anne Garrels was one of the sixteen Western reporters who remained in Baghdad to report  on the build up to, and the first weeks of, the conflict. Naked in Baghdad: the Iraqi War as seen by NPR'S Correspondent Anne Garrels (ISBN#
0374529035) is her account of those months. Between October 2002 and April 2003 she traveled around, interviewing ordinary Iraqis, who were all too glad to share their thoughts and feelings about America and the political situation. Her reporting revealed aspects of the Iraqi mindset that the  U. S, politicians discounted or ignored. After reading her book I definitely understood better the reception our troops got after they deposed Saddam.
Anne Garrels retired in 2010 as senior correspondent for National Public Radio. While she still does occasional pieces for the network, she now spends her days lecturing and conducting journalism workshops. I hope her new travels take her to south Florida.She is someone I'd really like to hear.
Naked in Baghdad is available at

That's all for now. See you in a few days!!!