To tree or not to tree, That is always the question. We always had a Christmas tree and I've always been ambivalent about it. We're Jewish. Christmas is not our holiday. I used to say that when I was on my own I wouldn't have a tree. Then my daddy died......
My parents had health problems and poor coping mechanisms. For over a decade they were the focus of my life. I willing and gladly took care of them. Then my father died in 2006 and my mother passed away in 2009. I now have no family here. Sometimes it's really hard to go on... What helps is visiting my mother's grave or sharing memories of them with my friends. And come December, our little Christmas tree reminds me of my father.

His name was Larry. He was actually my step-father. He was a Christian and Christmas was sacred to him. He also loved the tree. For the last five years of his life that little green bush brought him tremendous joy. It's pre-lit, so what I did these past two years is simply plug it in. I didn't even decorate it. But seeing it brought me closer to him.
So what do I do this year? I still have three kittens to rehome. Those manic munchkins will wreak havocwith the tree unless I tie it to something.(When the menorah is lit the babies will stay in the bathroom.)I'm not really celebrating Christmas. Do I tree or not....
Stay tuned..
PS Squanto is continuing to do well.