Hi! We're having computer problems. On the days I'm not working I have to go to another library to use the computer. Plus this is the first time since my mother died that I've been without a computer. I feel very shaky and disconnected. I hope I can afford to get mine fixed soon.
Now on to business. Weber Grills is offering free recipe books to download. Go to http://www.weber.com/ and click first om'grilling', then on'downloads'. They're offering five titles: Grilling for Girls, Grilling What's Good for You, Weber's Upgrade to Tailgating Glory, .Steak Boot Camp and Barbeque .Download one or all. You can also sign up for their recipe e-newsletter.
I chose Grilling What's Good for You. I downloaded it in pdf format, then saved it to disc. That way I can just print out the recipe I plan to use. The 36 page guide is divided into two sections. The first focuses on the basics of grilling, while the second contains recipes.Most can be adapted for barbeques,gas grills and the George Foreman-type indoor grills.
Raja has some opinions on what she'd like me to grill...
Raja: I like cooking. I don't like it when the black steel hee-baa-chee thingy shoots flames. Mommy doesn't like that either. She always keeps the garden hose ready. She thinks I don't notice that. Tee-hee. But this booklet has very nice recipes for chicken and flank steak. There's one in there for Atlantic char, which Mommy says can be adapted for any fish. I hope so. I loves toona the best. She wants to make the black beans salsa and grilled asparagus dishes,but those don't really interest me. I like my meat,poultry or fish. Outdoor grilling is messy. Chunks of food get accidently dropped on the ground. Yum.
That's enough for now, Raja.
Take care,
I like this blog, Tracy! I downloaded the Girls Guide to Grilling...and will read it soon.