BOOKS: Former First Lady Betty Ford passed away on Friday, July 8, 2011. She was 93. Of all the First Ladies, she was the one I admired the most. Through her candor she brought breast cancer and its diagnosis and treatment into the national consciousness. Later, her public admissions of alcohol and prescription drug abuse brought addiction into the spotlight. Yet she always maintained her dignity. She simply discussed what happened to her honestly, never asking for pity or adulation. Before she spoke out many people didn't know that one could survive breast cancer. Or, that it was possible to become addicted to prescription drugs.
In 1978 Mrs. Ford published her autobigraphy, The Times of My Life. In it she detailed her life as Elizabeth Bloomer growing up n Grand Rapids, Michigan. She was married and divorced, modeled, studied dance with Martha Graham and was a successful careeer woman, working in fashon merchandising, when she met and married Gerald Ford in 1948. As his career in Congress took off, she raised their four children largely alone. She later joined her husband in the Washington area as he served as the Congressional Minority Leader. Suddenly, Spiro Agnew resigned and Gerald Ford was vice-president. Nine months later Richard Nixon resigned and the Fords found themselves in the White House..
Both her autobigraphy and her 1987 account of her recovery from addiction, A Glad Awakening,, are available at
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