Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Pumpkin Project 2011

Hi Efurryone. Raja here. Every year Mommy comes up with a new halloween craft project. This year she added to our parade of pumpkins (sigh). With Ivory's death and the legal situaution surrounding it, she really needed a distraction. She found this project in Ladies Home Journal magazine.

Tracy: I bought an artificial white pumpkin at Michael's craft store (Hi Mo). I downloaded the bat templates and used a Sharpie marker to draw them on the pumpkin. Mine looks like the one in the second row, on the left. It came out really nice and was fun to do.
To get the template and instructions go to and type 'bats' in the search box. Click on The Great Pumpkin. The project is slide number three. Click on 'download this' for the bat template.
Both the print  magazine and online version have some really nice pumpkin crafts.(While you're online, LHJ is offering subscrciptions for $5.99. I renewed mine. They'll even bill you.)
We'll post more in a few days, when the Ivory sirtuation is officially resolved.

Tracy &

Saturday, October 22, 2011

An Update on My Kitties

The kids were walking the two pit bulls off-leash again. The dogs ran into my secluded side yard. if there had been a cat there it would've been attacked. The dogs now view my yard as a killing zone. I added this new development to my complaint.
Meanwhile, I'm keeping my kitties inside during the danger hours. They've been really good about it. There's been very little hissing or fussing. I fell asleep on the couch and one of the kittens, Magellan, curled up next to me. When i woke up Raja was sitiing on the arm looking daggers at us both. Apparently she is the only one allowed to cuddle with mommy.
The wheels of justice are turning, but slowly. I sunmitted my affadavit and should here from Animal Care & Control soon.
I'll keep you posted.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Kitten Was Killed by a Pitbull

Tracy here. On October 13 my Siamese kitten, Ivory, was attacked and killed by a pit bull. The dogs were being walked off-leash by two neighborhood kids. They had no reason to be in my side yard. I heard a yelp and one of the dogs had Ivory in his mouth. The kid had to beat him on the head to make him let go. Ivory died two hours later.
The boys continue to walk the dogs off-leash. They now view my yard as a killing zone. No cat is safe. The run in, while the kid watches, and lunge at anything, including me. I now keep my cats inside when the dogs are likely to be walked. I also carry pepper spray. The police and Animal Care & Control are on the case.
I am just sick over this. Ivory was a sweet, gentle, ten week old kitten. She never had a chance. Her life was snuffed out by the dogs, their juvenile delinquent handlers and their irresponsible parents. I intend to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Breast and Ovarian Cancers

Hi Efurryone. Raja here.We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we proudly wear the pink ribbron to show our support. But breast cancer is not the only type of cance claiming lives. Did you know that September was Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month? We didn't.  There symbol is a teal ribbon.
 Ovarian cancer is a deadly malignancyr that  claims the lives of 15,000 women a year. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition runs extensive public and professional educational campaigns.. The diseaser is known as a silent killer asf its subtle symptoms often preclude early diagnosis...Often the cancer isn't diagnosed until it's metasticized throughout the abdominal cavity, resulting in  a grim prognosis., But, if the disease is found in its early stages, while the cancer is still confined to the ovary, the five year survival rate is 90%.
Lets help the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition get the word out, and. do a mitzvah (a good deed). For less than the cost of a Big Mac and fries, you can purchase a teal car magnet, jelly bracelet (wristband) or keychain. Just go to and click on marketpalce. You'll find that teal goes very well with pink.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Tracy here. The Day of Atonement starts in a few hours. Instead of apologizing for my sins and thanking GOD formy blessings, I'm sitting here wanting to strangle someone.Oh yes, he definitely deserves it. He jerked me around, let me down and left me in a financial bind. That we're biologically connected makes things even worse.
What I want to do is scream and yell at this person. I also want a sense of peace to enter the new year with. As a compromise I'll probably writew him an e-mail saying why he shouldn't jerk me around ,especially about money. It beats crying on the couch. At least three of the cats came over to see if I was okay.
I knowI should worry about today and let tomorrow take care of itself. That['s hard though. Trying to be positive is hard work.
I have to go. time for Kol Nidre. To find out what that is, go to http://www.chabad,org/


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Shalom, y'all. Raja here.   Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, began last Wednesday at sundown. Right now we're in the Day of Awe, the ten days between Rosh Hashansh and Yom Kippur.. This is a time of reflection and repentence. Yom Kippur,the  Day of Atonement, is thr holiest day of the Jewish year. Everyone human fasts to atone for their sins.
In the meantime, the food's been pretty good. We've had all these traditional dishes. I loved the chicken the best.while Midi liked the carrots and raisins.. Mommy really enjoyed the matzoh ball soup, honey cake. and smelly fish. We also had a special round version of challah, which is a kind of bread. Panda and I really scarfed that bread. Mommy also ate apples dipped in honey. Mommy gave Midi a taste,but she wouldn't let me near the saucer of honey. She said honey was impossible to get out of car fur.Humpf!
Anyway, plenty of information to download on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, including traditional recipes, prayers and songs.,
Even though I'm a cat, I think I should sort of obseve Yom Kippur. I mean, I have done things wrong. I should apologize to Panda for pushing him off the bureau, swatting him across the nose and stealing some of his chicken...